Lord, I thank You for this marvelous day.
I want to thank You for all the times You have carried and covered me, and the times You have brought me through.
Lord, I know I could not have made it without You. Continue to be my ultimate friend, benefactor, healer, protector, and provider.
Lord, I tell You the truth: most days, I do not know if I will make it; nevertheless, my mustard-size faith has me holding on to Your words.
- You are my Shepherd
- You are with me
- You will never leave me or forsake me
-You are my healer and deliverer
-You are the Prince of Peace
-You are my provider
-All things are working for my good
-You have forgiven me
-You love me
-You will fight my battles
- You will comfort me
- You grant me favor and will bless me abundantly
Lord, as the world counts my sins and failures, only You keep no record.
Lord, You honor my prayers and petitions and accept my repentance.
Lord, surround me with the customized love and support I need.
Surround me with those here for the long haul and pure intentions.
Lord, You have been my long-time saving grace, and I thank You.
As my life continues, I ask that You continue to be my saving grace.
In Jesus’ name, amen.