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A Kiss from Rose | Healing the Sick

Today you will use your authority over your life, health, and any sickness. Your authority is the God-given right to receive and use God's power that flows from the Holy Spirit (Charles Kraft), authorities that God established.

Where in the Bible did God give you the authority to heal the sick?

Luke (9:1-2)

Matthew (10:1)


Matthew (10:8)

To name a few.

When He gave you the authority, that means you can do it, not only for others but for yourself as well.

Do not get discouraged when you or others are sick; stand strong on the Word of God. His word will not come back null.

Father, we join in prayer over those that are ailing in their bodies. We agree that the devil may not confuse nor penetrate their mind to believe that You are not a healer. Just like Lazarus, this sickness will not end in death. We ask that You not only penetrate their mind but heal their body. Restore their cells and organs. Remove the sickness as only You can. Father, we ask that You lay Your hands that have healing, protection, and restoration power. Pour out Your blood over them, and anoint their head with oil. Comfort them. When they get weary, give them strength. You said in Your word that by Your stripes, they are healed and we are believers of Your word. Deliver them. We stand together with authority given by You, and In Jesus' name, amen.


"We all are flowers in the kingdom of God, trying to grow. The sun may try to scotch us, and the rain may try to drown us, but God knows the plan He has for us. Don't focus on the sun or the rain; keep your focus on growing in the kingdom. Stand tall, look beautiful, focus on God (keep your eyes on Him), and keep growing." - Alston Shropshire

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