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A Kiss from Rose | Waiting

There may or may not be many people sitting around waiting for a posted message from Grandma's Corner; however, there are many waiting on God for one thing or another. Waiting is not the easiest thing for most people; it may be like torture for others. One thing about God, He may not come when you want Him, but He is always on time! The wait will be worth it!

Human beings will let you down. God will not! God is the perfect one to wait on.

What are you waiting for from God? Is it a job? How about a husband or a wife? What about children? Are you waiting for a financial blessing? Could it be healing in your body? Are you waiting to be delivered from something? Have you been waiting for God to take a taste out of your mouth for drugs, food, or alcohol?

Think back ten years or fifteen years ago. Heck, for some, a year or two. Where were you? How many times have you waited on God, and He showed up? How often have you sat on the edge of the bed with tears in your eyes, not knowing where or how it would happen? How often have you sat in your car, with your hands and head on the steering wheel, saying, Lord help me? Waiting isn't always easy, nor is it always a short timeframe. But, there is something about God showing His face after you have been waiting!

His presence wipes the tears away. His favor covering you makes you forget how long you have waited. His anointing makes you forget the pain. His shield around you makes you forget what you lost. The Holy Ghost pushes you to tell your testimony and praise the name of the living God! You see, waiting has a way of preparing you for your praise report! Waiting on God allows you to seek His face and call on His name. Waiting on God secures His arrival.

Will you wait with me for God to arrive? Can we hold each other's hand during the storm and rain? Can we call on the name of the Lord together? Let's pray.

Lord, I am waiting on You. Lord, I am expecting You to arrive on time, Your time! Lord, I know You will show up. I am waiting on You to cover my finances. I am waiting on You to mend my marriage. Lord, I am waiting on my spouse. Lord, I am waiting on You to bless me with my house. Lord, I am waiting on You to purify my heart. Lord, I am waiting on You to make the crooked places straight. Lord, I am waiting on You to elevate me with Your anointing. Lord, I am waiting for You to remove my name and bloodline from the devil's list. Lord, I am waiting for my name to be on land and deeds. Lord, I am waiting on unexpected blessings and favor. Lord, I am waiting on You to deliver me from myself. Lord, I am waiting on You to perfect my relationships with my family and friends. Lord, I am waiting on You, and I know You will arrive soon. In Jesus' name, amen.


"I am waiting on God to send every favored and anointed person and thing my way."- Alston Shropshire

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