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A Kiss from Rose | It's Getting Better

Everything gets better with time, communication, patience, and the "will" to be better.

Let us think about it for a moment; you are not where you used to be mentally, physically, or emotionally. That means that things are constantly evolving—constantly changing. No matter the place you are in life, continue to speak to God. Continue to be open to doing and being better than you were yesterday. It is such a freeing space mentally. Focus on the good and positive things in life. Think about the happier times. You have already gained strength and wisdom from the pain, trials, and storms in life. Let's enjoy some peace, joy, harmony, and happiness while experiencing some humility. Take a deep breath in and say, "It's getting better." Saying this statement is allowing your shift to be set in place. It is activating your faith. It is changing the atmosphere.

Your relationship and connection with God are getting better.

Your life is getting better.

Your marriage is getting better.

Your parents are getting better.

Your children are getting better.

Your job is getting better.

Your work relationships are getting better.

Your mentality is getting better.

Your prayer life is getting better.

Your friendships are getting better.

Your health is getting better.

Your finances are getting better.

Your home life is getting better.

Your discernment is getting better.

Your anointing is getting better.

Let's get better together!


" I can feel God's hand on me! I know it's going to get better." Alston Shropshire

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