Friends are usually our everyday confidants. Not only our friend but our shoulder to cry on, therapist, debate partner, our partner in crime (so to speak), prayer warrior, the voice of reason, the one holding the umbrella, cheerleader, and irk box all into one. Where would we be without our most complex yet most available friend? Of course, we thank God for being our "ultimate friend," nevertheless, we thank Him for providing our earthly friends.
Today I pray for every friend!
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend fight cancer.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend go through a divorce.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend bury a parent or grandparent.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend go through domestic violence.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend battle addiction.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend go through abuse by a loved one ( mental, physical, or emotional).
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend lose their child(ren) to gun violence.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend suffer mental illness.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend suffer through a bad marriage.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend lose their earthly possessions.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend lose their home/ job.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend wear themselves thin.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend being pulled in every direction.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend lose a baby.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend not noticing their self-worth.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend mentally check out.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend go through family dysfunction.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend cry countless tears.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend pray night and day.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend weather many storms.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend sit at their child's hospital bed.
I pray for every friend who has watched their friend lose a meaningful relationship/friendship.
I pray God blesses your friend with an appreciation for your friendship. I pray God gives you the patience to stand with your friend. I ask God to cover you and continue to provide you with the strength to hold the umbrella over your friend. I pray God gives your friendship longevity, and nothing comes between it. In Jesus' name.
"Being a friend isn't always easy, but thank God for being the ultimate friend to show us how it is done. He never leaves our side."- Alston Shropshire