Being a babe in Christ isn't easy. Even though you hunger for solid food, you are just not ready. You must take your time. You will make mistakes, as you are learning. Some people will understand. Some people will judge you and the mistakes you make. Some people will watch you fall and others will lend a helping hand and show you the way. You must walk the path that is ahead of you and continue to grow and learn from your mistakes. This will give you the wisdom to help others coming behind you. When you are doing anything for the first time it is scary. When it seems as if you are doing something alone it is even scarier. Remember, you have someone there guiding and nurturing you along the way (GOD).
Father, God, I thank You for sustaining me throughout this day. Thank You for keeping me in Your presence. Thank You for guiding me during this Christian walk. You never said the road would be easy, but You did say that You would never leave me. Lord, I desire You. I desire Your word. I desire to understand every word You say. I desire to walk in Your purpose. Grow me in Your word. Lord, I will fear not along this journey. Lord, I pray to one day be on solid food in Your word. In Jesus's name Amen.