Have you forgotten to thank God today? How about yesterday? Did you forget when He healed your body? How about when you ate?
There should never be a time when you do not thank God or give Him praise. Thank God for things on the way! Thank Him for things you can not see or have thought of yet.
Here are a few people in the Bible who said thank you to God.
The Author of Psalm 111
The author of this beloved psalm begins with the following words: Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with my whole heart in the company of the upright in the congregation. Psalm 111 is filled with praise for God's wondrous works. The psalmist ends by reminding people that God's praise endures forever.
Miriam, Moses and Aaron's eldest sister, thanked God while playing her tambourine and dancing with joy with the other women whom God saved from the Egyptians after they crossed over the Red Sea (Exod. 15:20-21).
Jesus thanked God before handing the fish and bread to five thousand people. (John 6:11).
In a beautiful song of praise known as the Magnificat, Mary thanked the Lord for being chosen to bear the incarnate Son of God (Luke 1:46-55).
