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A Kiss from Rose | Breakthrough and Fast/ You are Worthy Prayer

Father, thank You for gifting us with the breath of life today. Thank You for covering us through the night. Father, there is someone who feels as if they are not worthy; allow them to know their self-worth. Allow them to know it is You to whom they belong, and everything and every one belonging to You is worthy. Allow each person the confidence that they...

Are worthy of being loved by God

Are worthy of the house they have

Are worthy of the car they drive

Are worthy of the children and family they have

Are worthy of healing

Are worthy of prosperity

Are worthy of deliverance

Are worthy of being sanctified

Are worthy of God's anointing

Are worthy of God's covering

Are worthy of God's protection

Are worthy of God's will

Are worthy of God's provision

Are worthy of peace

Are worthy of a sound mind

Are worthy of elevation

Are worthy of thriving

Are worthy of God's favor

Are worthy of God's grace

Are worthy of God's mercy

Are worthy of their spouse

Are worthy of their career

Are worthy of God's call

Are priceless in the eyes of God

Are worthy of generosity

Are worthy of kindness

Are worthy of respect and self-respect

Are worthy of compassion

Are worthy of financial stability

Are worthy of love

Are worthy of debt cancellation

Are worthy of the blood of Jesus Christ

Are worthy of the gifts God has given you

Are worthy of living a full life

In Jesus' name, amen.


"Knowing your worth is the most powerful thing you can have; sometimes, we lose it. Make sure you find it and never lose it again." - Alston Shropshire

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