Father in the name of Jesus, I lay at Your feet with thanksgiving for all that You have done in my life so far and the wonderfully favored things that You have waiting for me. Father as I lay at Your feet my heart and mind are heavy. I petition You in Jesus' name for Your help. Father, I ask that You cover my marriage in the whole armor of God. I ask that You protect our union from Jealous and deceitful people and spirits. May You surround us with people that love us. Protect our home and marriage from the trickery of the devil that comes to kill, steal, divide, and destroy. Free us from strife. Unify us in every decision making. Allow our marriage to grow in love, honor, and respect for one another. Give us favor. Allow us to only have eyes for one another. Stir our passion and desire for one another. Allow us to bless the other in our marriage with an abundance of love and unselfishness. Surround us with people that have no ill intent for us individually and as a couple. Father cover my husband _______ in Your blood, protect him, and give him favor. Have my husband walk upright in our marriage and give him a deeper desire to be the husband You created him to be for me. Provide him with all of the tools to be a great husband, provider, protector, lover, and friend to me.
Father cover me as a wife in Your blood, protect me, and give me favor. Have me walk upright in my marriage and give me a deeper desire to be the wife You created me to be for ______. Provide me with all of the tools to be a great wife, helpmate, nurturer, lover, and friend to him.
Allow us to walk in love with each other. Destroy the chains, the barriers, and the strongholds from the past and the present so our marriage can flourish in favor. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen